21-Day Guide to Pregnancy (& Beyond)
(nsfmg) is Proud to be An Ambassador for Empowered Birth:As the founder of Not Safe For Mom Group (nsfmg) and the moderator of hundreds of conversations with the folks that make up this community, I know that when we talk about pregnancy and childbirth (and everything after), we often feel overwhelmed and underprepared. Even with the many educational resources available, it is hard to know which ones to focus in on and to trust. Adding to that, the cultural conversation around birth can add pressure and confusion to an already challenging time. We may only be in the early stages of thinking about starting a family, yet be faced with opinions from friends and family about what type of birth is “best”. But birth is not a choose-your-own-adventure experience. It is one in which we can at best go in with intention, and an openness to the possibility that the journey may look different than how we had imagined. There is a difference, however, in being openminded but in the dark about those possibilities; and being open but aware of the myriad of ways birth could look like (from epidural, to unmedicated, to C-section, to water birth). This is why I am thrilled that Empowered Birth — an online course curated by Schuyler Grant, and hosted by Commune — is now available.
When Shopping For Father’s Day Cards, I Felt Nothing
What kind of card do you get the dad who doesn’t fit any of Hallmark’s “ideal” descriptions?
An Unlikely Reconciling
Family visits are often complicated — even for the best of us, aren’t they? We all have our dysfunctions, histories, and quarrels… (May be triggering.)
Frenchwomen Don’t Co-Sleep
When my daughter’s artist godfather asked what gift I wanted for her birth, I didn’t hesitate: a co-sleeper crib.
Mother: Divided
To say I had a difficult pregnancy is an understatement. After suffering a miscarriage with my first pregnancy, I found myself pregnant with twins on our second try.
When The Struggle Is Real For Him, Too
It hasn’t been easy writing this, because I’ve wanted to be sure that I make clear how loving and wonderful my husband is, while also disclosing the extent to which he struggled as a new dad.
My Body's Reprise: How Ballet Revived Me After Cancer
In August of 2015, my life neatly bisected itself into two parts: Before and After. I started off the summer as a normal 34-year-old mother of two young sons.