when you need help processing the after.
6-week (virtual) talking circles for support in this shit-storm
“I’m ready to run away and hide.”
“I hate everyone.”
“I need people to stop giving me advice like they’re not experiencing this for the first time.”
Let’s face it - we are kind of a mess, and we’ve never needed each other more. Lean into the very real healing vibes that come from connecting with other moms who are feeling just like you are right now. The Talking Circles are an opportunity to truly open up in an honest way with others about what is happening in your life and your relationships, and to say things you’ve never said out loud before. The Talking Circles are an essential space to explore these thoughts on a deeper level with an intimate group of peers in a non-judgmental setting.
meets once a week - for 90 mins. each
“I’ve been struggling finding the right support during postpartum during the pandemic, and this was the softest place to land and feel heard. I am so thankful for this circle and Alexis coming in to support me when I’ve needed it the most.”
This is your time to be supported and held by a community of folks you know you can trust, and who will show up to listen. Each session is guided by professional group moderator Alexis Barad-Cutler. *This is not only for brand new moms, but for anyone who is still processing and struggling right now through this especially trying time.
+ To talk about the major milestones of postpartum with a focus on YOU, and their effects on your life, body, and relationships.
+ To walk away with words of wisdom from other moms, feelings of support, the knowledge that you're not alone, and with new discoveries about yourself.
+ To have time and space to process the tremendous changes that have happened to you, in a safe and non-judgmental setting.
+ 6 meetings (meets once / week); an hour each.
+ Group of peers, curated to serve you best (7 person limit).
+ Special guest speaker appearance.
+ Themed sessions to inspire thoughtful discussion.
+ Expertly guided conversations by professional moderator, and founder of (nsfmg), Alexis Barad-Cutler.

New talking circles happening soon.
Now with 90 minute sessions.